About the Roxiva Lamp
What is the Roxiva Lamp?
The Roxiva lamp uses pioneering technology in light, music, and brain optimization techniques. The result cannot be described in words or compared to other experiences. You have to experience Roxiva to understand. As a practice companion, Roxiva is your gateway to personal transformation via an awe-inspiring symphony of light and sound. By inducing deep relaxation, stimulating creativity and productivity, and enhancing mental wellness using the power of audio-visual brainwave entertainment, Roxiva effortlessly guides you into deeply relaxing or profoundly inspiring states of mind. By tapping into the natural ability of your brain to synchronize with external sources of rhythm, Roxiva allows you to change your state of body and mind.
Whether you’re seeking relaxation, meditation, or even powerful drug-free psychedelic experiences, Roxiva offers a range of sessions that will take you on a transformative journey. You can take advantage of the growing catalogue of pre-made sessions, which include goal-specific sessions, relaxation sessions, and mind-blowing psychedelic sessions. The idea of having hypnotherapy at the push of a button or even a drug-free psychedelic trip opens up whole new worlds of possibility. These experiences will often leave you breathless as you experience your mind’s interpretation of stroboscopic light synchronized to music, manifesting in the form of self-generated visions of rich color, shape, patterns, and significant emotional experiences.
Membership Details:
Elevate your experience with four credits valid for a captivating 20 to 30-minute session on our Oxygen Bar, Roxiva Light, BioCharger, or Revibe Braintap machines. Immerse yourself in rejuvenating and invigorating technologies to enhance your well-being and leave you feeling refreshed. To give you even more deep relaxation opportunities, any additional monthly basic services sessions for members are only $15 each (10% off the regular price). Unused services do not rollover and must be used within the month and are not shareable.
If you ever need to cancel your membership after THREE months of activation, just let us know or go online and allow up to THREE weeks for processing. Existing credits are nonrefundable.
Finally, as a member, you receive 10% off merchandise, CBD products, massage, and Tea-House products. Just mention you’re a member before concluding your transaction.

Holistic light therapy and brainwave entrainment
By Lance Carter | Aug 16, 2021
Holistic light therapy using LED’s can help boost your bodies natural healing ability. One of Light therapies modern time pioneers was Florence Nightingale who discovered that patients healed faster when exposed to sunlight. Our body can heal by itself., but with the correct application of light therapy this ability can be enhanced. All light has a specific wavelength depending on its colour. And some of those wavelengths of colour can penetrate deep into our bodies in non-invasive ways. Which is sometimes referred to as low level laser light therapy. A low-level laser is effectively the same as an LED light. And science is showing that certain wavelengths of light can help in a variety of ways like:
- Boosting circulation
- Increased cell energy, regeneration, and immunity
- Reduced inflammation
- Improved skin health
- Reduced pain
- Enhanced wound healing
The word holistic refers to treating yourself or a client as a whole integrated system. Otherwise any change you make is likely to be short lasting. And the same applies to holistic light therapy.
How does holistic light therapy work?
The use of light therapy in this way has claims to help with goals of health improvement and beauty enhancement. Some claims are misleading and unlikely results of holistic light therapy. But many of them have science to back them up and are proving completely safe and effective. Holistic light therapy works in three main ways:
- Different colours and wavelengths of light can stimulate reactions in the cellular structure of our bodies. And this causes cellular reactions like an increase of ATP. ATP is responsible for cellular energy and regeneration. And therefore tissue repair and replacement is activated and sped up.
- Coloured light therapy works through the interaction of colour with mental and emotional states. An example being that green light has been shown to help ease headaches. I have written extensively on colours and what each specific one can do in part two of a series of articles called ‘In light we trust’ (part two).
- Holistic light therapy also works through a flicker frequency response. And this is commonly referred to as brainwave entrainment or audio visual entrainment. More on that later.
Are holistic light therapy results real
We take for granted that light is always available. But just because it’s available does not mean we are using it to it’s full potential And it also doesn’t mean that we should use it at all. Holistic light therapy is about taking the subject of light beyond just one or two common uses. And even the timing of light exposure can have a dramatic effect on biological rhythms in our body.
There is only so far that science can go to prove the effectiveness of something. A positive result can be considered either proven, spontaneous, unexplained or the placebo effect. And science can indeed show us that something is proven, plausible, or unlikely. But it can only do so if certain paradigms are accepted as never changing.
The irony!? Modern science is now at a place where the closer we look, the weirder and more limitless life seems to be. And the paradigms ARE changing.
Science takes us so far.., and then ‘Magic’ occurs.
What is holistic light therapy used for
There are many proven holistic uses of light therapy that are undisputed.
Light is used for both physical and emotional healing and benefit already. And two examples of this are UV light to treat serious skin conditions, and SAD lamps used to treat depression.
And there are many more uses of light therapy still under investigation as science learns more.
Many claims are made about uses of light including brainwave entrainment stroboscopic light machines. And I think the easiest way of summing them up is with a general statement. And this could apply to any device, technique or medication. “Some claims are true for many people and some claims are true for some people”.
But the results are very real for those who get them. And therapeutic applications of light are high up on the list of scientific topics studied in modern times.
Light is fundamental to life and health
The common reasons for light being fundamental to health would not surprise anyone. But what about the less obvious? Because exposure to light at the wrong times can completely shift your internal metabolism. And this can lead to insomnia, illness and mental decline. Not enough light can do the same thing.
Even the wrong type or wavelength of light can harm us.
And it goes deeper than that.
Because science now shows that our brains may well communicate by way of light! And this light in the brain is known as biophotons.
Does coloured light therapy work
I outline some of the more interesting research for all the various colour wavelengths of light in the two articles called ‘In LIGHT we trust’. For example using near infra-red (NIR) light to heal issues below skin level. Because NIR light has the ability to penetrate under the skin.
These type of treatments are done by concentrating one part of the overall light spectrum. And the colour chosen is based on it’s wavelength and how our body is designed to respond to that wavelength. There is a significant amount of research showing successful use of coloured light therapy at certain wavelengths.
White light in reality isn’t white at all. Because white light is made up of all the colours that we see and some that we don’t. And light itself is just one part of the overall soup of electro-magnetic energy that we live in. This Ranges from AC electricity and radio-waves to cosmic radiation from other parts of the universe.
Unfortunately for us some of the man made forms of electro-magnetic energy are not entirely good for us. And I outline some of this in this introduction to the Schumann resonance in the video below. Or you can read a more comprehensive account of the Schumann resonance as the earths pulse and how to use it.
Light and holistic light therapy now needs to be used purposefully. Because with technology, we have taken away our ancestral ways of living with nature. More and more society seeks to control and change nature. Sometimes, we realise that we have already changed it. And that we now need to change it back. And this is why the holistic use of light therapy is important.
The correct purposeful use of light to improve sleep is in the ‘better sleep series’ volume one. And this ranges from what light bulbs to buy, to how to reset your internal body clock.
Knowing this information also tells you how to use light purposely to increase awareness and focus.
What are holistic light frequencies and how do they affect health
Brain activity is measured as brainwave frequencies ranging from slow wave Delta to fast wave Gamma. And one of the more common ways of measuring brain activity is with an Electroencephalogram (EEG) machine. This measures tiny electrical currents in the brain via electrodes on the head. And these measurements are recorded as ‘cycles per second’ or Hertz (Hz).
Different brainwaves are associated with various states. And different brainwaves are also associated with health and well-being.
IE: Certain bands of brainwave frequency tend to have more common associations with them.
Theta (4-8Hz) is known for it’s trance and meditation benefits. While Beta (12-32Hz) is a more active brain state where focus and creativity are more likely to occur.
Some bands of frequency like Gamma (>32Hz) have potential breakthroughs in medical use. Such as the use of 40Hz to help prevent or maybe even reverse age related challenges like Alzheimer’s and dementia.
And the lowest common brainwave Delta (0.5-4Hz), is associated with deep restorative sleep where recovery and repair take place.
Do neurotransmitters have matching brainwaves
There are also some chemical and neurotransmitter correlations with certain brain activity.
Theta is associated with GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric acid ) which is a modulator and inhibitor of other transmitters. And this can lead to over stimulation of the nervous system when lacking. Often, this results in challenges like stress. And under stimulation of Theta can result in things like depression.
Beta brainwaves are often associated with Dopamine. And this is a chemical usually activated in response to reward or the promise of reward.
Alpha (8-12Hz) brainwaves are associated with Acetylcholine which is in part responsible for memory.
Delta waves are primarily present during deep sleep. And these have links to the lymphatic system, the removal of toxins from the body, and human growth hormone (HGH) release.
Of course this is not an exhaustive list. And neither are the roles of these brainwaves or neurotransmitters limited in any way to just these processes. Because they all work in unison to regulate our body and mind and keep us healthy.
How to use stroboscopic light machines & brainwave entrainment for holistic light therapy
One of the most effective ways of altering a persons brainwave activity is with light pulsed at the desired target frequency. Holistic light therapy can then take on a role that goes beyond the benefits of the light alone. And photic/light driven brainwave entrainment is an example of this. These devices are sometimes referred to as stroboscopic light machines.
The experience’s of many users of this technology show that mental and physical health benefits can and do become a reality.
Brainwave entrainment (BWE) or audio visual entrainment (AVE) devices take advantage of a natural ability of the brain. The brain has the ability and habit of synchronising to, and following, a repeating external stimulation. Using flickering light is an example. And by using a frequency that is in a specific range, a predectable state of mind can be achieved. Once at that frequency, they can be held there as they ‘entrain’ to that frequency and state. And this can be done very quickly, often short-cutting years of meditative practice.
Meditation at the push of a button
One of the biggest benefits of the roXiva RX1 is the resulting meditative and trance states that people consistently get into. And this alone could be considered a type of stroboscopic light therapy. Some owners of roXiva devices combine hypnotherapy with brainwave entrainment. As deep trance states can be achieved very quickly and reliably.
This alone is a huge step forward in health for many people. And there is ample research about meditative practices and the benefit to our bodies and minds. Light and sound meditation is an effective means to get people there.
In fact one study found that just 8 weeks of meditation training resulted in significant increased ability to switch between alert and relaxed states by the participants.
Many owners of brainwave entrainment devices use the technology with clients to enhance other practices.
What are common effects of audio visual brainwave entrainment
Here’s some ways that brainwave entrainment or audio visual entrainment most commonly helps with holistic light therapy:
- Balancing left and right brain hemispheres
- Boosting weak or missing brain frequencies
- Increased cerebral blood flow
- Stress relief and better sleep from deep relaxation with lower frequencies
- Improved activity levels and mood with higher frequencies
- Interrupting a habitual brain pattern – (For example pain relief and emotional release)
These results are pretty indirect but common.
Meditation is an example of something that is rarely stated as a cure. But more and more it is recommended as a source of potential benefit to longevity and mental health.
Can stroboscopic light therapy help with stress relief
Stress is one of those common challenges that people face that has well known negative effects on health. And stress and anxiety can interfere with how much nutrition is absorbed from the food you eat. Here’s a comprehensive review of ways to relieve or eliminate stress and anxiety.
One neurological cause of stress is the reduction of activity or even complete shutdown of one side of the brain. And this is known as hemispheric de-synchronisation. Another is a lack of lower relaxing brainwaves.
Brain synchronisation is the opposite of this and is the goal of some therapeutic processes. And this includes audio visual stimulation and brainwave entrainment. Brainwave entrainment for anxiety addresses this imbalance of brain activity.
These processes practiced regularly can initiate a type of neuroplasticity. and the forming of new neural pathways for improved mental states and well-being.
Is the nervous system constantly changing
Our nervous system is constantly attempting to find balance and a sense of homeostasis. And this happens with or without our conscious awareness.
Balance is fundamental in life. And our body/mind system is aware of, and looking for patterns. This is it’s way of learning and adjusting to the outside world.
Something experienced once with little emotion attached to it will soon be forgotten. But something that is a repeating pattern or that has significant emotion attached to it can become a part of our unconscious learning. This learning is seen as something to be prepared for in case it happens again in the future. And therefore it effects our beliefs and actions or lack or actions.
An isolated event can permanently effect our lives with strong enough emotion. Like when someone develops a phobia as a form of conditioning or anchored response. And emotional states can become part of our lives with repetition., either purposely or by accident.
How technology can entrain us
Some researchers even suspect that the EMF’s coming off your mobile phone can entrain you. And that they could cause one side of the brain to get overstimulated and shut down as that side tries to entrain itself to the frequency of the phone. Remember what was said earlier about stress being a shutdown of one side of the brain. It sounds far fetched perhaps, but EMF’s are simply electromagnetic frequencies just like light. And electromagnetic stimulation is one purposeful use of brainwave entrainment.
So the growing complexity of life has an effect on our minds just by being part of it. And the central nervous system is an electrochemical one and not surprisingly is linked to our immune system. Therefore, healing is as much a mental process as a physical one.
Does health benefits from holistic light therapy need consistency
Show me an athlete who trains once and declares themselves at the top of their game. It doesn’t work like that.
Repetition is key. And mental training is the same. Especially when imagining a future different from the present you currently live. Take the following two points together for an potential idea on how this works.
Research shows that fasting (not eating) for as little as 72 hours can have an effect on the immune system comparable to a reset.
And research on head trauma sufferers also shows a direct link between the immune system and the nervous system. IE: If the nervous system is under-functioning, there is a corresponding under-functioning of the immune system, and vice versa.
And so with that link established consider the following. Is it possible that 72 hours is an approximate reset time for the nervous system as well?
Why you should go to the mental gym regularly
Consider also how many times the advice is given to do something physical or mental at least three times a week. This fits with this 72 hour window of reset. and doing something less often than that may result in little or no adaption taking place. The system resets itself back to the original state instead of changing.
This is just an educated guess on my part. And there would naturally be exceptions to this. Like with heavy weight training or constant mental stress. Where in this case, more than 72 hours is sometimes needed for recovery.
Momentum and progress are key to any success. And it’s true that success breeds success. Holistic light therapy isn’t a one shot cure. And having a tool or skills that are always there ready to consistently take you into beneficial states is invaluable.
How can you create your own holistic light therapy
I have assisted thousands of people to get the most out of using brainwave entrainment technology. And I have witnessed many common and some uncommon results.
Almost everyone has a deeply relaxing experience. And almost everyone gets amazing visual displays of colour and movement also. Sometimes in the form of a drug free psychedelic trip. And with the addition of integrated audio, the experiences have become even more immersive and effective. The range of uses for roXiva technology is only limted by your imagination.
Pain subsiding or disappearing is a result that sometimes surprises people. And in some cases this is the first time someone really lets go and relaxes properly. The relief from stress and anxiety is addictive. And the benefits of that with a corresponding lift in mood done consistently over time, are huge.
Consistency is key for light therapy
Consistent progress is key to any change you want to make. And without it, meditation becomes something you do a few times a year at a retreat to try to make up for the rest of the year. With consistency meditation becomes simply a new way of being. And something that you find time to do each day with or without a tool to assist you.
The roXva RX1 really has to be experienced to be understood. I highly recommend you create the opportunity to do so. And take the time to learn more about using light holistically and as tool for therapy. What can you do starting today on a consistent basis that will set you in a new direction?
The answer to that question, if acted upon, will make you one of the few who do, versus the many who talk.